The tower is located between Strażnicza Street and the park upon the Ina River, near the defensive wall. It can be reached from Kazimierza Wielkiego Street (in front of the Stargardinum College). The nearest bus stop is on Krzywoustego Street.
Baszta Jeńców was part of town’s fortification system. It has the simplest construction of all fortified towers in Stargard. It was built at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries in Monk and Gothic bond. The tower had crenels (rectangular gaps in the walls and fortified towers). Its 13-meters-high cylindrical shape is based on a stone foundation in which embrasures are located on four levels. It is assumed that the tower’s name derives from the fact that it was used as a prison for captives.
These days, sightseeing tours of the tower’s interiors are not possible, due to their poor technical condition.
Worth seeing